'리즈 캐슬'에 해당되는 글 3건

  1. Leeds Castle - Castle 2008.04.29
  2. Leeds Castle - Maze, Birds 2008.04.29
  3. Leeds Castle - Outside 2008.04.28

Entrace to the castle.

Bedroom but I forgot whose bedroom is.

Same Room.


From left King Henry VIII, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth I, King Edward VI.
Henry VIII is famous for The Tudors and The other Boleyn girl.

Was she a shoesholic?

Blue blue blue..I didnt recognize at that time.

Leeds castle has a lovely view!!

It's maze.

When I was on the lookout, I tried to find way out.
However, Way out is located under the lookout.

I spent about 5 min.
I was good to seek than I thought.

Here is entrance to the way out.

This picture is flashed coz there was too dark.

The origin of this bird is Leeds Castle. That's to say, Here.

There are 2 places which this bird is.
One is Leeds Castle, the other is London zoo.

Some rapacious birds are on field like this.
Some birds are in the cage.

I felt those were poor.
It was unlike me a second.

It's been near entrace but I dnt know why it was placed.

Ducks which arnt afraid of people.

There were a lot of people on Saturday in Leeds Castle.
The weather was really good!!

Food shop.

Sheeps were on the left side.
